Posts filed under wellness

3 Turmeric Studies That Will 'Root' You

In the world of culinary and medicinal spices, there are few that shine as brightly as turmeric!  Known for its vibrant golden-orange color (that will get on everything, but it will come off, I promise) and its unique earthy/bitter taste, it's used to add color and flavor to all different types of cuisine, but it also has numerous ways in which it supports many aspects of your physical health.  Here are some turmeric (curcuma longa) studies that may explain why in Ayurveda turmeric is a staple herb.  

According to these studies, the major constituents naturally found in turmeric root are the golden-colored phenolic compounds called curcuminoids—namely curcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, and demethoxycurcumin.  These curcuminoids give turmeric root its golden color and contribute to its ability to support overall health and well-being.

While the research on turmeric is extensive and ongoing, I’ve picked out 3 interesting studies that illustrate the diverse applications of this potent wonder-herb. 

1- Turmeric Helps Digestion

Per a study published in the National Library of Medicine - LINK HERE-  The University of California in Davis conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study in which 30 healthy adult subjects were given either turmeric tablets, curcumin tablets, or a placebo tablet and instructed to take 6000 mg per day over the course of eight weeks.

Over this time period, “changes in the gut microbiota were determined using 16S rDNA sequencing of stool samples. Though the results were highly personalized, the turmeric group showed an increase in healthy gut bacterial species in comparison to the placebo group and the curcumin group showed the most significant improvement with a 69% in detected species.”

2- Turmeric Helps with Inflammation

In a 2021 study, researchers gathered a group of healthy adult participants between the ages of 50–69 in an attempt to study the effects of turmeric extract —which contains anti-inflammatory turmeronols—on the body’s natural inflammatory response.  This study is also published by the National Library of Medicine- LINK HERE.

Over the course of twelve weeks, one group received turmeric extract and another group received a placebo. At the end of this time, the serum inflammatory markers of each individual were measured in order to detect changes in the inflammatory response. Each participant also completed surveys pertaining to their mood and overall health. 

Results showed that curcumin extract may indeed support a healthy inflammatory response, and in addition also support improved mental health.

3- Turmeric Helps Joints + Movement

One randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial LINK HERE was created to study the effects of turmeric on joint comfort and mobility, focusing specifically on the knee joints. To this end, 96 participants received either a capsule with 150 mg of curcuminoids or a placebo capsule once daily for 90 days.

At the end of this three-month period, changes were assessed according to a pain score on a  visual analogue scale, along with an 80 meter fast-paced walking test. The results showed a significant drop in the average levels of knee discomfort and improved times for the walking test in the participants who were given curcuminoids.

With so many positive attriburtes on so many different aspects of well-being, turmeric seems to be proving what Ayurveda has known for 5,000 years—that this bright golden herb is a powerful tool for promoting optimal health, longevity, and quality of life. 

Glow on

Posted on May 19, 2023 and filed under Ayurveda, cooking, inspiration, wellness.

Jumpstart your health TODAY

If you’re yearning to cultivate greater experience of life, there’s no better time to start than right now.  Below are my TOP three simple practices that will transform your self-care + jumpstart your yogic lifestyle and Ayurveda journey. These three simple practices will set you up for a lifetime of radiant health.

1. Perfect your oral hygiene.

Don’t just brush & floss, optimize your oral health by swishing with coconut oil (READ my article on oil pulling) and scraping your tongue (READ my article on tongue scraping).

2. Take Triphala every day.

I’m not one to recommend supplements, as you probably figured by now, but this is how strong I feel about it.  Detoxify and rejuvenate your body by taking Triphala when you wake up or just before bed.  Get it from a good source.  

3. Give yourself a massage.

Oil up before you shower and use your own hands to massage yourself. Sure, you can also do this without the oil or use any method such a foam roller or ballwork  (READ my article on Self-Myofacial Release).  

That’s it.  You’re ready, GO!  Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions.  

Posted on December 29, 2022 and filed under Ayurveda, Ballwork, inspiration, wellness.

3 Ayurvedic Tips to Boost Your Immune System

With spring around the corner, and the wild temperature swings, there’s no better time to give your immune system a little extra LOVE.

As a Yoga Health Coach™, I want to share 3 simple Ayurvedic tips to support your immune health so that it can support you in keeping you vibrant and well.
For 5,000 years Ayurveda has been teaching us to utilize the laws of nature, in all its forms, to create a unique map to find your most ideal state of health, which in my book, is what immune health is all about. 

These are three tips from an Ayurveda perspective to boost your immune system:

1- Strengthen your Digestive System.

Per  Ayurveda, a strong digestive “fire” is the key to year-round health.  AND the first thing is to strengthen your digestion by eating meals at regular times and choosing foods that are easy to digest.   How do you know you’re digesting well? For me, it’s pretty simple. I just feel good: no discomfort, no gas, no, bloating, no tiredness, and no heavy mind.   I feel light, comfortable, and at ease.  

Ways to strengthen your digestion? Here are my two go-to:

Be sure to include immune-boosting foods in your diet. You can think of foods that boost the immune system in two ways—foods that are easy to digest and foods that offer support. Foods that are easy to digest are  kitchari, a traditional Indian dish made of rice, mung dal, and spices. It is so easy to digest that it is often given to the elderly, to those who are ill, and even to babies.  Other similarly easy to digest foods are soups, stews, and broths.  

Foods that offer support include things that are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as turmeric, ginger, echinacea, and vegetables & fruits.

Be sure to avoid foods that are cold, oily, and heavy. This includes things like cheese, ice cream, yogurt, potato chips, and fried foods.  Yep, I said it and you read it.  

2- Get Good Quality Sleep

If I’m not getting enough sleep, I immediately notice a snowball effect of feeling more and more tired and run-down- think hangover without the fun memories.  There are tons of books and articles about it, but in summary you’ll get good quality sleep by going to bed and rising at the same time daily, aiming for eight hours of quality sleep per night.  A little side note- you can’t force good sleep, you can only invite it.

3. Have a Daily Supportive Routine

Having a supportive daily routine is way more important than you’d think.

Remember last time you went on a trip?  Remember you end up needing as many days to recover?  Well, it’s not always just because the airplane was dirty. It’s because your body is totally confused from being stressed out, from staying  up too late, waking up too early and eating weird foods.   Creating stability through healthy ]habits will make all the difference and keep your body from being out of balance.   Ayurvedic habits to include in a daily routine are things like scraping your tongue, oil swishing, daily self-massage with oil and so on.

If you can nail these 3 basics, you're likely to experience a huge difference in how you feel.   

Lastly, I want to remind you to give yourself permission to slow down, nourish, and take care of yourself.  This is one of the most powerful ways to avoid depletion and support both mental and physical health.

Posted on March 9, 2022 and filed under Ayurveda, cleaning, wellness, Yoga.

Find your best sleep

Do you suffer from irregular sleep? Trouble falling asleep? Wake up in the middle of night? Sleeping more than your cat? All these can be equally problematic.

Let’s be honest, imbalance in your sleep pattern is annoying, debilitating and even unhealthy. Troubleshooting your sleep pattern can seem just as annoying and impossible, BUT with the right guide and tools you can find and return balance to your sleep.

Ayurveda, the science of living, offers simple and practical tools to balancing sleep cycles. Here is my interpretation and take on the ayurvedic approach to sleeping well.

If you are reading this, you know that a balanced sleep cycle (i.e., ~8 hrs of sleep at night) plays a crucial role in your help and well-being. Even thought western science knows this very well, the benefits themselves may be subtle in nature and so difficult to assess. However, every science approach agrees on the possible risks of insufficient sleep:

  • Impaired judgment.

  • Negatively affected moods and emotions.

  • Increased risk of accidents.

  • Impaired cognitive ability.

  • Decreased libido.

  • Increased incidence of feeling depressed (by five times that of the normal population).

  • Accelerated aging in the skin.

  • Difficulty losing weight.

  • Increased odds of developing a more serious health problem or death.

Now that I have your attention, per Ayurveda, each individual may have specific reason for an “imbalance” in her/his sleep and it is important to honor whatever works best for you. Ultimately, you need to feel comfortable in the steps you take to create a sleep environment for yourself. Regardless of your specific needs (your constitution in Ayurveda terms), consider adopting as many of these supportive habits as possible:

Eliminate screen time in the evening.

Screen time of any kind is incredibly disruptive to the biological rhythms that support sleep. If you’re serious about improving sleep, it is best to limit or eliminate screen time from the hours immediately before you sleep—ideally from dinner onward. I’ve opted to delete all distracting apps from my phone at night and if possible move the phone out of the bedroom!

Eliminate stimulants.

In much the same way, stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol tend to disrupt physiological cycles essential to sound sleep.  When struggling with insufficient sleep, it’s best to eliminate them as much as possible from your lifestyle, and in some cases a complete detox may be necessary.

Eat a wholesome dinner early in the evening.

A heavy dinner can interfere with our ability to sleep. I know this goes against current social habits, but this a BIG game changer. The best evening meals are healthy, nourishing, easily digestible, and are eaten at least three hours prior to retiring to bed. Think soup and/or salad.

I sincerely hope that I can continue to support you in finding your way to sound sleep and vibrant health. Just let me know how to support your wellness.

Posted on December 16, 2021 and filed under Ayurveda, wellness, Yoga.

Why Scraping Your Tongue

Tongue scraping is as basic as toothbrushing in Ayurveda. It’s a MUST, really. Tongue scrapping was my introduction to Ayurveda’s daily routines over twelve years ago and it has changed my health as it has become a cornerstone of my morning rituals.

Why the emphasis? To start, in western science, dentists point to post-nasal drip as the cause of bad breath. The post-nasal drip coats the back of the tongue with mucus that is rich in dying, bad bacteria, resulting in volatile sulfur compounds that create bad breath. The white coating on the tongues is what in Ayurveda we call ama (or toxins). Any toxin that has that sticky and heavy quality, causing dysfunction in the body, is ama.

In Ayurveda, our tongue represents our entire gastrointestinal tract and what is going on there. As the body processes the ama and puts it back into the gastrointestinal tract for elimination, it also spits ama out onto the tongue. So scraping the tongue daily is like cleaning the lint from your dryer before you use it.

So for sure with tongue scraping you’ll be eliminating a big cause of bad breath. But bad breath is only one benefit of scraping your tongue. Doing so will support your entire body by helping maintain a healthy bacterial environment in the mouth and by stimulating the cleansing of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

It is also a great way to stay in touch with your health. By cleaning your tongue daily, you will quickly get into the habit of taking note of the coating on your tongue. You will notice a thicker coat after a heavy meal, sickness, or after eating a lot of dairy products the night before. Your tongue becomes a mirror to your digestive health.

If a tongue scraper is not right next to your toothbrush and floss and it is not already part of your daily routine, now is the time to start. You can get your at any health food store or good pharmacy.

Rejuvenating Drink (Almond Rose Oja Drink)

Ojas is the subtle essence of the vital tissues of your body.  LEARN MORE HERE. In Ayurveda, it’s said that ojas governs your immunity, energy, and vitality. Strong ojas means that you’ll have sustainable energy, strong immunity, a healthy glow, and a robust stamina.  If you find yourself lacking in any of these categories, you may have depleted or imbalanced ojas in your system.


This delicious, almond based drink is one way to increase healthy ojas in your body, restoring your energy and vigor.  It is great to drink first thing in the morning for breakfast to enhance vitality for the day ahead.  This drink is perfect in the rejuvenation phase after a cleanse, but can be taken 1 to 3 times a week otherwise.

There are various version of it out there in the Ayurveda stratosphere, this is my version.


  • 1.5 cups unsweeten almond milk (most recipes instruct doing this from scratch…soaking almonds, peeling them, etc., etc…it’s a lot of work, I noticed no difference in results)

  • 2 medjool dates,  pitted and soaked

  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder

  • 1/8 teaspoon cardamom

  • 1 tablespoon rose petals (yes, organic, washed, rinsed)

  • 3 saffron stigmas

  • 1 teaspoon ghee (or coconut oil)

  • 1 teaspoon honey


  1. Place the pitted dates in the 1.5 cups of almond milk that will be used for the recipe.  Soak for at least 30 minutes.  This will make the dates easier to blend.  Do not discard the date soaking milk as it will be added to the final recipe.

  2. Make sure the soak milk is at room temperature (I place it in microwave for 20 seconds if I forgot to bring out of the fridge)

  3. Place the almond milk and soaked dates into a blender. Add the turmeric, cardamom, rose petals, saffron, ghee/coconut oil, and honey.

  4. Blend on high for up to 3 minutes making sure that a completely smooth texture has been reached.  

Due to the heavy and sweet nature of this drink however, it is recommended to only take this almond shake no more than 3 times weekly.  Enjoy.

Tip: This is a great recipe for taking after a cleanse, after illness, or anytime there is depletion to help regain energy and strength.  For these purposes, take this recipe 2 to 3 times a week for four weeks, or until the energy and vitality have returned.   

Posted on May 18, 2020 and filed under Ayurveda, cooking, inspiration, wellness.

Is your TECH Neck causing havoc in your life?


I hope this isn’t true, but I heard in a report that the average American spends more than 10 hours a day looking at some sort of screen. Anecdotally speaking, I can confirm there is a screen addition crisis, whether it’s our phones, tablets, computers, smart watches or TV’s.

Just the other day I witnessed a truck driver maneuvering a tight turn in one of those very narrow Brooklyn streets. I don’t know how an eighteen wheeler ended up in a neighborhood street, but alas, there it was and a young woman that was walking, hunched over her phone-turtle neck style, kept walking without any trepidation towards the rear end of the truck that missed her by less than 3 feet…OMG I get sweaty palms just typing this…she didn’t even know what was going on when I caught up with her to make sure she was OK.

Hunched over our screens hour after hour may result in a host of physical problems; perhaps the most common of these is what we’re now calling tech neck. The Spine Hospital blog ( defines the tech neck as basically what happens as a result of the downward tilt in our neck that we often take on when looking at our phones, TVs, and computers. A simple fifteen-degree downward tilt of the head is enough to put twenty to thirty pounds of extra pressure on the neck and spine. A sixty degrees tilt could make your head weight up to sixty pounds!!! Can you picture what that level of pressure is doing to your neck? Ouch.

The consensus among any of us dealing with bodies is laud and clear: spend a long time stuck in one position or repeating a movement and your fascia, or connective tissue, will get “stuck” into that position. The tech neck is the result of “stuck” tissues in the turtle neck or hunched position, which manifest in deep discomfort if not pain. AND I believe that this tech neck also causes stress, tension and negative energy to get stuck in the neck, which contributes to more mental and emotional discomfort.

The solution to tech neck: don’t hunch over your screens. OK, that is the short answer. The solution isn’t that complicated really, it begins with awareness of your posture. If you ears and shoulders aren’t stacked, you’re tilting forward, inviting the tech neck to find it’s home in your life. Whenever you feel yourself getting stuck in a hunch, it’s time to take a break from whatever you’re doing. Go outside. Got to a yoga class. Stretch out. Better yet, learn some fascia release technique like Bodymind Ballwork, keep a few balls by your desk or in your bag and “roll out” for a few minutes and restore your posture.

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Posted on February 3, 2020 and filed under Yoga, wellness.

Could Ama be the source of your confusion?



In Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine of India that seeks to treat and integrate body, mind, and spirit , Ama is undigested food that gets stored as toxin in the body. Ama also has an emotional, mental and relational component as undigested emotions and impressions create confusion. Both Ayurveda and Yoga are trying to bring clarity in our lives, so both are trying to remove Ama from us, so it’s important to know about Ama and recognize it when it’s present.

My teacher and Ayurveda Practitioner, Cate Stillman, goes further describing Ama by saying that “Ama causes confusion both on the cellular level - creating a slimy coating around cell membranes that dulls the cell receptors and endocrine optimization. Ama also causes confusion - or dullness - on the mental level leading to complacency and lassitude.” Ewwww, so gross!

Signs of Ama (regardless of your Ayurvedic Constitution)

  • Excess body weight (i.e., Kapha is not Ama!)

  • Lethargic upon arising (i.e., if you’re human, you’re a morning person, stop telling yourself otherwise)

  • Grumpy upon waking (i.e., mmmhmmm!)

  • Unstable energy (i.e., stop blaming your sugar level swings)

  • Bad breathe (i.e., you’ve smelled Ama in the subway, you know!)

  • Lots of white coating on tongue

  • Traveling body aches and joint pain (i.e., maladiesRus or Achaques Galore)

If you see any of these signs showing up in your life you must address them before they turn into a permanent illness; Ama is slow moving in and very slow moving out AND Ama’s toxicity is the cause of permanent conditions. The long term solution is to cultivate healthy habits and to consider a gentle cleansing program once/twice a year. Let me know if you are interested in learning the basics of Ayurveda, which habits will keep Ama away and do an Ayurvedic inspired detox.

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Posted on July 19, 2019 and filed under Ayurveda, cleaning, cooking, wellness.

Breathing Better : roll and restore is back and we're aiming for deeper breathing

JANUARY 19TH, 2019 - 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM


Roll + Restore : breathing  focus (abdomen + ribs)

Do you feel restriction in your breathing? Do you want to feel connected to your center but there is some tightness in your chest muscles or back?  Releasing tension in your abdomen and ribs area can increase your sense of groundness and release emotional holdings.


Looking, feeling, and being your better self, requires far more than just working out and eating well.  Without embodied self-awareness, you’ll not only never enjoy the physical results you want, but you’ll also never experience the inner space that leads to peace and joy.  Roll+Restore combines my sixteen-plus years of practice in wellness, yoga and engineering to access this embodied self-awareness.  The workshop takes the best aspects of Biomechanical Alignment Principles, Therapeutic Yoga, Bodymind Ballwork© and Metaphysics to experience a unique and holistic approach to understanding your body.  Students who’ve attended this workshop leave feel empowered to access deep understanding of their physical, mental and emotional state. They leave feeling “taller,” “brighter,” “relaxed” and “younger” (yep, these are their words).

In this special Breathing edition of Roll+Restore you will learn techniques that involve therapeutic yoga postures and laying/moving on rubber balls to self-massage tight fascia around your upper back, abdomen, iliopsoas and ribs. You can incorporate these techniques in your fitness routine to open your spine and your breathing.  You will feel physically, emotionally and mentally better.



*contraindications: this techniques aren’t recommended if you are pregnant, had a recent abdominal surgery, serious intestinal or pulmonary issues.  Please ask if you aren’t sure.

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Posted on December 28, 2018 and filed under Ballwork, wellness, Yoga.

Connect with your Nature ( or why a plant-based diet)


Would you guess what is the most frequently asked question I get as a Yoga Health Coach?  Yep, you guessed it: WHAT SHOULD I BE EATING? Every time one has to ask that, one should be translating it as I AM DISCONNECTED FROM MY NATURE.  

Everything we consume becomes us.  All food has a sustaining force, a force that animates and activates, a life force that we yogis call Prana.  The moment we aren’t consciously connecting with the state of our Prana, we’re moving away from ease and towards dis-ease. If you want to connect with your life force and experience good health, energy, trim physique, a livable planet, compassion and deliciousness - a PLANT-BASED DIET is an excellent path for you.

While vegan and vegetarian diets are defined by what they exclude, a plant-based diet is defined by what it includes:  lots of plant foods.  What this means is that you tap into the abundance of PRANA-rich veggies, beans, peas, fruits, lentils, whole grains, nuts, and seeds AND you eat less animal products and processed foods.  

My Yoga practice ushered me to become a vegetarian and my Ayurveda studies got me to go beyond being a consumer of vegetables and be more of a collaborator of my Prana intake.  The only way to really experience this connection with your nature is by experimenting and feeling how the Prana that you consume affects you, how it becomes you.

Maybe you need more motivation to try a plant-based diet,  here are my five reasons to eat a Plant-Based Diet.

1. It’s good for your health.

Unless you are living under a rock, research and statistics confirm what yogis have known for thousands of years: eating plants make you feel good!  But in case you need some formal convincing:

  • Dr. Dean Ornish’s research showed that eating a very low-fat, plant-based, vegetarian diet and other lifestyle changes could, in fact, reverse heart disease. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn also succeeded in reversing heart disease in patients who were seriously ill.

  • The Adventist Health Study-2 found that vegetarians had a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. While about 50 percent of Americans will develop high blood pressure by the age of 60, research shows that populations that consume a diet comprised mostly of vegetables or who are vegetarian have “virtually no increase in hypertension with age.”

  • Eating red meat (beef, pork, and lamb) is associated with increased rates of cancer and heart disease. And the American Cancer Society recommends eating a healthy diet for the prevention of cancer “with an emphasis on plant foods.”

2. You will feel and look trim.

Let face it. If you are eating a lot of plant foods, which have less calories and move with more ease through your diggestive track, you are going to lose weight. If you eat plant-based foods instead of fast, fatty, processed, and sweet foods, you will cut out a ton of calories — and the best part is, you will feel satisfied and less inflamated.  

3. You are helping the environment.

According to an article by Elizabeth Weise for USA Today, it takes about 15 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of beef and about 5 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of chicken. You can see how we would use less water and other resources if we ate the grain ourselves.

An article in Scientific American reveals that the amount of beef the average American eats in a year creates as much greenhouse gas as driving a car from NYC to Denver!

4. You will become rich!

OK, maybe not immediatly, but you will imediatly save lots of money.  Many people think eating a Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is the cheapest way to eat. But actually eating plant-based foods can cost even less.

For example you could have lentil soup, salad, fruit, and sparkling mineral water for four people for about $10!

Beans, peas, and lentils are some of the cheapest foods you can buy.  Even buying organic fruits and veggies at premium health food stores is more economical than one may think.  Do the math.

5. You’re moving away from animal cruelty.

I know it can be devastating to think about the cruelty and unfairness that goes into acquiring all the goods we purchase at the grocery (or fashion) store. I think it is important for all of us to understand how animals are treated so that we can make a conscious choice.  If nothing else, a Plant-Based Diet is all about raising one’s consciousness.

No guilt. No shame. Here is one example as a case study: gestation crates for pigs. Once the sows are artificially inseminated, they are put in crates with just enough room for their bodies for their entire pregnancy. As the sows get larger and larger, they often develop pressure sores. They urinate and defecate through slots in the bottom of the crate.  Once the sow delivers, it is back in the gestation crate. When the animals are spent, they are taken to slaughter. They use these horrific practices to save money and produce more meat. But at what cost? Pigs are intelligent animals, and who wants to be part of this kind of suffering to save a few dollars?

I am not a vegan and I do occasionally eat animal products, but when I do eat them I go out of my way when possible to buy products from animals that have been humanely raised. Yes, I pay more for them. However, for the very small amount of animal products I do eat, it is worth it and does not break the bank.

It’s hard to argue with a plant-based diet when it benefits your health, waistline, environment, wallet, and conscience. Any movement toward more plants and less meat is a big step in the right direction. Why not skip the meat and eat some veggies today?

Posted on July 19, 2018 and filed under Yoga, wellness, cooking.

Why is my waist feeling scrunched? Tight Fascia could be the culprit

“When the body begins to work appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself.” -  Ida P. Rolf, founder of the Rolfing technique and recognized as the first to understand the role of fascia in human health.

Do you ever feel scrunched and thick around the waistline?  There is more than fat to blame here.  The waistline gets a bad reputation: lower back pain, extra weight, bloating and thickness. Why?  Not an easy answer, like anything worth investigating. There is a plethora of factors that trouble your midsection such as poor diet, stress, hormonal imbalances, emotional eating, lack of adequate rest, and not moving our bodies enough. Additionally, the sides of the body tend to be ignored: we spend a lot of time sitting, slouching, driving, and working on computers (or texting). Essentially, we’re just accumulating tension and stress in that mindsection. 

Furthermore, our relationship with gravity, bad posture, poor weight management and upper body weight-distribution can cause the space between the ribs and the hips (your waistline) to get squished and compressed, which in turn leads to a shortening and thickening of the waist.  When our waistlines shorten, all the muscles, tissues, organs, skin, and fat start to bulge out to the sides making us look and feel thicker than we really are. To make matters worse, experts tells us that  this can also negatively influence digestion, metabolism, circulation, oxygenation, and organ and gland efficiency, leading to bloating, density, and inflammation.

These sounds like a complicated problem, and it is, but there is a magic solution that can shrink your waist and make it healthy: you need to create length and space to your fascia and core. Fascia is critical because it actually helps to create the shape of our bodies. Basically, fascia is like a very thin wet suit just under the skin that wraps around each individual muscle and keeps everything in place (including our organs).

Injuries, stress, bad posture, emotional behavioral patterns, and poor habits can cause fascia to get tight and thick (a.k.a. Trigger Points).  These causes restrict movement, mess with your alignment and trap toxins in the fascia, which leads to thicker tissue accumulation throughout the body—such as those that often form around the waist.

The good news is that fascia is malleable and can be repaired—which is the purpose of Roll+Restore: releasing all those unhealthy toxins from the fascia and helping to reduce thickness/inflammation in the body.  Schedule a private consultation or join my next workshop to experience additional techniques to lengthen and mold that fascia!


Posted on May 16, 2018 and filed under Ballwork, wellness.

You are what you do. #habits

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

Hmm? So what is Aristotle talking about? Let’s go there, habits are the small actions you take and the decision you make every day.  Research by Duke University scientists suggests that habits account for about 40% of what we do on any given day.  I think the other 60% is driven by the MTA.  But seriously, your Dharma and/or your current life is essentially the sum of your habits.  In other words, your health or your malady is a result of your habits; your joy or fear is a result of your habits; your alignment with your Dharma or sense of failure is a result of your habits.


What you are repeatedly thinking about and doing each day creates the persona that you display to the world, your beliefs and who you are.  Everything I teach starts with better habits: my yoga teachings through abhyasa (repeated practice over a long period of time to obtain spiritual connectivity), my organization coaching through performing repetitive tasks to obtain productivity and my yoga health coaching through daily aligned routines.  All habits.  When you learn why you are doing what you are doing, you can learn to transform your habits and you can transform your life.

Best Habits Reads

  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg – After seeing it on every subway rider under the age of 30, I gave in.  Totally worth it!!!
  • Any Article by James Clear – my habit go to guru – he does all the research and his science base approach is nerdy galore.

To explore more and playfully engage into your personal prophesy, you can come or call in to the next DHARMA SESSIONSa free workshop about clarity and practicality!   You’ll explore technologies like Yoga, Ayurveda, Professional Organization, A Course in Miracles and Yoga Health Coaching to design the lifestyle that will help you thrive in your career, creative endeavors and relationships.  

Posted on April 27, 2018 and filed under wellness, Yoga, Organization.